2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Comprehensive Examination (Plan B)

The comprehensive examination is required of all students who select the Plan B option. The comprehensive examination covers the course work in the student's planned program. At the option of the department, the comprehensive examination may include an oral examination and/or an oral defense of the written examination.

The comprehensive examination is normally taken during the last semester of study, but may be attempted any time after the completion of at least 75% of planned program requirements. Exceptions may be granted with the recommendation of the advisor and permission of the dean. Students are required to have a minimum 3.00 grade point average at the time of application. Examinations are given each fall and spring semester and, at the discretion of the academic department, during the summer. Students should consult their advisors and/or department chairs concerning the availability of a summer session comprehensive examination. 

To be eligible to take the examination, students must register for the Comprehensive Exam section for their program, which is on the course schedule in fall and spring semesters and available during regular registration periods for each semester. The academic department will notify students concerning the time and place of the examination and will inform students of the results.

With departmental permission, students may retake the comprehensive examination. Students who do not pass the examination on a first attempt may be required to enroll in additional course work or to make other special preparations for reexamination. Students who fail the examination a second time must appeal to the dean for permission to retake the examination.

If the student receives a failing grade on all or parts of the comprehensive examination for a third time, he or she will be dismissed from the graduate program, unless he or she is granted permission to choose another capstone option by the program's department chair and the dean. The student may file an appeal within two weeks of receiving the dean's dismissal letter. If denied, the student may make a final written appeal to the standing Appeals Committee of the Graduate Studies Committee.

If a student does not attend a scheduled comprehensive exam without prior notification to the academic department, the results will be counted as a failure and require departmental approval for a future exam.

Final results of the comprehensive exam (pass/fail) will be included on the student's graduate transcript.