2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Teaching (M.A.T): Teacher Education with Specialization in Technology Education (7-12)

This Program is no longer accepting applications.

Program Rationale:

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is designed to offer high-quality degree-bearing teacher preparation to career changers and traditional-age students who have demonstrated content mastery and wish to expedite their preparation to teach in the shortage areas. For full-time students, the program begins in January each year and uses a cohort model to enhance program completion rates and teacher retention as graduates enter teaching. Specializations in secondary disciplines: English, history/social studies, mathematics, modern language, sciences, special education (K-12), and technology education (K-12).

(Note: Available science certifications include physics, chemistry, earth science, and biology. Available language certifications include Spanish.)


Program Learning Outcomes:

Graduate students in the program will:

  • Possess strong knowledge of content, content pedagogy, and learner development (typical and atypical).
  • Create an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment.
  • Use data, content knowledge, and evidence-based pedagogical content knowledge to critically examine practice for the purpose of improving student learning.
  • Design and deliver instructional and assessment strategies that facilitate significant learning for all students including struggling learners and those with disabilities. 
  • Design, deliver, and assess literacy/language strategies to deepen literacy and content learning within the discipline.
  • Act collaboratively, ethically, and responsibly to ensure student growth and advance the profession. 


Admission Requirements:

The MAT program selectively admits candidates based on a complete application portfolio. Admitted students complete a structured sequence of courses, field experiences, and classroom-based research.


To be considered for admission, applicants must demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions expected of teacher candidates. Initial assessments will be made through review of complete applications. Fully qualified candidates will be invited to participate in an admissions interview.


The following qualifications are required for consideration for admission:

  • Completion of a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution with a total undergraduate GPA of at least 2.70 and, if applicable, a CCSU undergraduate GPA of at least 2.70. GPA waivers will be considered for applicants who have less than a 2.70 GPA, but meet all other admission requirements and have at least a 3.00 GPA in the last 60 hours of coursework. Applicants with a GPA of at least 3.00 in an earned master's degree whose undergraduate GPA does not meet minimum standards will be considered for admission if the GPA in the certification content major is at least 3.00.
  • Completion of a major in the content area that meets state certification standards. For special education candidates, priority will be given to candidates who complete a major in an academic discipline represented in secondary curriculum. All candidates may be required to complete specific prerequisite courses prior to admission.
  • Completion of general education coursework that meets current Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) standards for certification (currently 39 credits distributed across 5 of 6 areas and including a 3-credit U.S. history survey course). Applicants will be considered for admission if there are fewer than 12 credits of general education outstanding. These standards must be met prior to graduation.
  • Submission of basic skills test scores in reading, mathematics, and writing that meet guidelines for admission to the professional program for teacher certification.
  • Scores on required state content knowledge examinations in the certification area:
    • English, history/social studies, mathematics, sciences, and technology education candidates must pass the Praxis Subject Assessment (formerly Praxis II) scores that meet current CSDE passing standards are required.
    • Spanish candidates must earn advanced scores on ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview and Writing Proficiency. If the ACTFL scores are more than one year old at the time the application is complete, a confirmatory interview with department faculty will be required.


To document their qualifications, applicants will submit School of Graduate Studies and program applications that include the following materials:

  • Official Transcripts: Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts from all institutions attended except CCSU;
  • Basic Skills Test: Submission of basic skills test scores in reading, mathematics, and writing that meet guidelines for admission to the professional program for teacher certification;
  • Content Area Assessment: Passing scores on the required test of content knowledge;
  • Statement of Experience: Evidence of the ability to work with diverse groups of students for a minimum of 60 hours, with at least 20 of those hours in a school setting. You must submit a completed Statement of Experience Form* for each setting in which you worked with children. *Visit http://web.ccsu.edu/mat/forms.asp for the required form.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Two references that assess your ability to work with children and other adults using the required MAT Recommendation Form*. Personal references are not accepted. *Visit http://web.ccsu.edu/mat/forms.asp for the required form.
  • Essay: Candidate statement explaining the experiences and reasoning that led to selection of a teaching career and the CCSU MAT program.


Applicants will also be required to:

  • Interview: Participate in and successfully complete an interview.
  • On-Demand Writing: Candidate will provide evidence of ability to write at graduate school level (typically completed in conjunction with the program admission interview).
  • Background Check: Must be able to pass a Connecticut criminal background clearance.


Course and Capstone Requirements

All MAT programs include core, specialization, and capstone components.


MAT 510Research on Teaching Diverse Learners


MAT 511Introduction to Special Education


MAT 520Design and Delivery of Instruction


MAT 530Meeting the Needs of Special Learners in the Classroom


LLA 531Literacy and Language Issues in the Classroom


LING 521Meeting the Needs of ELLs in the Classroom


MAT 534Creating Productive Learning Environments


MAT 541Internship Seminar


MAT 551Perspectives on Educational Policy and Practice


*With the permission of the program coordinator, MAT 522 can be substituted for MAT 520 for up to four credits.


Technology Education

TE 519/TE 299Technology & Engineering Education Practicum Advanced


TE 529Content Pedagogy in Certification Area I


TE 539Content Pedagogy in the Certification Area II


MAT 533Field Experience in the Certification Area: English, History/Social Studies, Mathematics, Modern Language, Science, and Special Education


MAT 540Internship in the Certification Area: English, History/Social Studies, Mathematics, Modern Language, Science, and Special Education.



MAT 532Intervention Capstone I: Reading and Designing Educational Research


MAT 550Intervention Capstone II: Conducting and Reporting Teacher Research


Total Credit Hours: 49